Donated to the public domain by the notorious Alexander Baron (born 1956).
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I began by explaining the five fails of feminism, the relevant article can be found at this link:
(the above link has been archived)
with particular regard to how feminists abuse statistics and create false narratives.
I played a clip of Barack Obama endorsing feminist garbage statistics.
I detailed some false narratives, including that of Emma Humphreys then explained the truth about actual rape - most women fight back, and regardless of this, they report promptly or fairly promptly. I gave examples of this then discussed rape trauma syndrome, the garbage churned out by Roland Summit and by Rape Crisis Scotland.
I discussed a video clip made by Colin Flaherty and claims made specifically by black feminists.
I covered the latest nonsense by Jessica Taylor about sleeping women being raped en masse.
Everyone’s Invited - oh boy.
Some encouraging comment from Australasia by two female legal observers.
I finished with a summary of the ludicrous case of Kari Size.